Thursday, March 13, 2008

I played hooky from school today. I woke up feeling gross, and decided to stay home and rest and get some work done. I was actually looking forward to lecture today as my clinical instructor was teaching us neuro pathophysiology.

By far the most exciting part of my day was the trip to the post office to mail some books. Notice the long line and complete absence of employees behind the counter. There was a two minute span when not a single employee was up front. What the hell do they do in the back room? Maybe there are always cookies back there.
I subscribe to an online book swapping service, You post books that you are willing to part with, and when other members request them, you send them in the mail. For each book you send, you get a credit toward receiving a book from another user. Basically, you just end up paying postage. I have been reading like a maniac lately, and have come to look forward to my daily train rides as a time to crank through a couple chapters.


Anonymous said...

This isn't the post office on Devon just west of Clark, is it? That's possibly the worst one in the city.

Anonymous said...

MEADOR! Don't go to this DEMON post office! One worker there left me at the counter for 10 minutes as I stood woozy and pregnant and when she came back she practically laughed at me "What! You're still here?!?" Awful.

Meador said...

Yes, it is the Devon PO.
I have found the workers there to be friendly enough, but with absolutely no interest in expedient service.