Thursday, July 10, 2008

As part of our clinical experience, we get a couple days to float to other areas of the hospital, such as the Emergency Department, Surgical ICU, and Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit.

Today Christina was in the ED when paramedics brought in a man who had collapsed. His heart had stopped by the time he got there. In an attempt to utilize all hands, Christina was told to perform chest compressions as part of the CPR measures. Despite their best efforts, the man died. I may be working in an ED some day, so I look forward to visiting in a couple weeks, but I will probably hide in the bathroom when the first ambulance rolls up.

While all this was happening, I was cleaning my first colostomy bag. I didn't think anything could be grosser than yesterday's vomit, but I was wrong. The smell was completely overwhelming; it haunts me still.


Anonymous said...

Oh Meador...I wish we went to nursing school together. I can jive with a lot of your stories...the manikins are great...especially when you find random parts of them around the lab. Didn't you totally love learning how to change an occupied bed??? Keep it up Nurse!

Anonymous said...

I love reading this blog.I have to agree colostomys are pretty bad but I have to say hands down an infected bedsore that needs to be packed is the worse smell. although my friend will say c-diff is a deal breaker.

Meador said...

It looks like I have some awesome smells to look forward to.