Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I went to the Ten Cat today for 9-ball league, and ended up buying a painting. My pool buddy Rick met the artist in Mexico, and arranged to display and sell some pieces at the bar. I guess you would consider most of the stuff of a surrealist nature, which is usually not my bag, but his stuff is awesome.

This is not something I do regularly, and is not something of which I should make a habit, especially considering my student budget. But this piece jumped out at me, and I had to own it. I am a sucker for gremlindogs.

Me: Am I a scumbag for using student loan money to buy art?
Rick: Yeah, I guess, considering you're paying me with my own tax money.
Me: But as a result of this education, I'll also be washing your balls someday.
Rick: Then we'll be even, so I guess it all works out.

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