Monday, February 18, 2008

Today we learned Wound Care. Despite a playful name like Seymour Butts, the wound models kind of freaked me out. This is the first skill we have learned so far that made me wince when anticipating a patient's pain. Pressure ulcers, such as the Stage IV ulcer above the butt crack, are a terrible result of patient immobility and negligent nursing care.

Here is a list of the Top 5 Things I Never Want To Happen To Me:
1. An earwig crawling into my ear
2. Catching an eyelid on a nail or thorn
3. Pressure ulcers
4. A compound fracture/seeing one of my own bones
5. Accidentally eating someone's vomit


Arnie said...

This is terrifying! Please keep posts about food you eat as far away from this post as possible!

Crescent said...

Wait so is that a butt wound or a wound that looks like a butt? You may have already said but I was busy passing out.

Proxy said...

dude, since Arnie got all boring, I've moved on to your blog. you're the Xena of

Tamalehawk said...

Tamalehawk may have permanently lost his appetite.

Anonymous said...

Really horrifying, Meador. Wow. This is the blog-equivalent of one of those awful abortion protest signs.

Meador said...
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Meador said...

There are a whole series of wounds in the picture. Diaper rash, various stages of pressure ulcers (yes, that is bone showing in the big wound), and even a fistula.

And am I Xena in the sense that Hercules got boring, or that there are lesbian undertones?

J said...

You're Xena in that one week you're just going to go off on a whole tangent about betrayal and sing for an hour.

also that you have the understated good looks of Ted Raimi and you should be effing flattered I say that.

matt said...

Fistula?? Please tell me that particular wound isn't caused by what it sounds like.

Anonymous said...

have you learned if sleeping with cotton balls in your ears is an effective defense against earwig invasion?